Through understanding and experience of the interconnectedness with all of creation I have begun relating to trees as trusted companions and guides and then reciprocating the healing and trust back to nature.


I used to love being in nature for its beauty. After the training I now participate in the natural world by giving and receiving love and heart energy with all the beings, and I carry those relationships with me everyday.


I so valued the attentiveness, care, resources, and passion each faculty member brought to the members of the Nature Companionship Program. The invitation offered to witness myself relating to the more than human world and witness the trees, plants, sky, birds, and earth relating to me, invited joy in experiencing belonging within myself and with nature. The program led me to new ways of relating to the more than human world that inspired my heart, mind, and my eco-identity.


The Nature Companionship program was an incredibly nourishing experience. Its invitations to connect with and cultivate a relationship with the natural world are both simple and deeply meaningful. It offers a joyful practice and perspective that feels vital in today's world.

— J.L.

Participating in the training program was a great joy! Nature companionship affirms and attunes our human-ness as a part of nature, not apart from it. Our engagement with the more-than-human world centers our belonging in and responsibilities toward this awesome universe of possibility.


What the training offered me was language for what I knew deeply yet had no words for, as well as support for nurturing my vocation and building connections between the human and natural worlds.

— L.G.