Keep Your Heart Open to Yourself in Challenging Times


As people on a dedicated spiritual path, we are always trying to do our best. We are not perfect people, but we are vulnerable human beings who play multiple roles and are beyond busy, so there will be times when we are off-balance and errors are made. Things said. Situations or people neglected. At times we may feel less than kindly toward ourselves— self-critical, judgmental, or disappointed. 

Feelings such as these keep us separated from our innate peace. It is wise for us to remember that mind states like these are sourced in the ego—our small, immature, wounded self—and that when we hold on to them, we perpetuate our own suffering. The opposite of the virtue of peacefulness is aggression. When we entertain thoughts and feelings that demean the reality of our basic goodness, we are at war with ourselves. 

When this happens to you, take a deep breath and make an adult-sized promise to yourself: a promise to thrive and be gentle with yourself. Feeling closed down, irritated, struggling with something you’ve said or done? Stop what you’re doing and open your heart to yourself. 

Place your hand over your heart. Feel the warmth of your hand covering your heart.

With the inhale, breathe in understanding, With the exhale, breathe out concern.

Breathe in self-forgiveness. Breathe out your disappointment in yourself.

Breathe in a feeling of kindness. Breathe out relief. 

Continue in this way until you return to a feeling of equanimity and balance. Rest in spacious awareness and trust that all is well. 

Receive what your wise self knows: You are a good person.

Receive what your faithful heart says: You are doing the very best you can.

©2015, Janice L. Lundy

Excerpted from Portable Peace: A Weekly Guidebook


Nature Immersion


Emotions within a Spiritual Guidance Session