Ritual Blessing for Washing Your Hands


In light of the Coronavirus health warnings, we have all become more aware of the importance of hand washing. ​

Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann from Mishkan Chicago, one of SGTI's partners in interfaith learning, shared a beautiful Jewish blessing with her congregation about hand washing.  We thought it was lovely and so timely, of course.

With this prayer, we can reorient even the most mundane and repetitive task toward the sacred. We can bring what might cause duress to spiritual practice. Imagine yourself washing your hands and viewing this as prayerfulness, or as an opportunity to take a deep breath and receive a beautiful blessing.

A Blessing For Washing Hands During a Pandemic - Ritualwell

​We send blessings of good health to everyone! May inner calm and clarity be yours.


Healing Words and Prayers During the Coronavirus Pandemic